Arazc, 17 year old purebred Arabian stallion

Arazc is our rescue horse; he was being sold at an auction. When we saw him, we knew that he couldn't end up as dogfood or someone's dinner. He hadn't been touched in 10 years, and was not trained. We have since trained him for halter and Hunter Pleasure, and he has won several ribbons in both. We are very proud of the old man and look forward to many years of enjoyment with him. The first photo is of Arazc and one of his "friends" us it shows his gentle nature. The second photo was taken April 2002 at Arazc's first show of the season. Arazc has been sold to Moriah Training Center in Tonganoxie, Kansas. If you'd like more information on Arazc, feel free to contact us and we will put you in touch with MTC - they are just as excited and proud of Arazc as we are and are including us in his life. Click
for Arazc's pedigree.