Kailey's page

Sweet Kailey Nicole


May 20, 1993 - April 15, 1998

Please pray for all sick children

For babys people have to pay
a heavy price from day to day,
There is no way to get one cheap.
Why sometimes when their fast asleep
you have to get up in the night
and go and see that their alright.
But what they cost in constant care
and worry does not half compare
with what they bring of joy and bliss
you'd pay much more for just a kiss

Edgar Guest

I eagerly await your kiss sweet Kailey

See the Europe trip pictures

See Kailey's original prayer page lovingly made by Mary M. while Kailey was fighting her last battle here on Earth.

Child of God

I am a child of God and he has sent me here. Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with him someday.
Kailey's favorite song & music you hear now

Angel Kailey

Mamma's sweet Baby
It's been seven years now since I've had the pleasure to hold you in my arms sing, giggle and cuddle. I miss you so so much! I long for the day we will meet again. Oh how I will hold you and thank God for our blissful reunion. You are always on my mind and forever in my heart. I love you Kailey! Mommy

Little Miss Kailey loved nature; she was amazed with animals in particular. She loved our dog Sammy and was always finding a new friend in the back yard. Lizards, rolly pollys, worms she loved all creatures great and small.
Playing with her friends outside and play dates at the zoo were among Kailey’s favorite things to do. She colored pictures almost every evening with her Daddy. The coloring sessions always ended with a wrestling match of delighted giggles and squeals. Kailey was teaching her big sister, Melissa, ballet... that was cute to watch. Kailey was forever bursting into Melissa’s room demanding attention; Kailey usually ended up getting her nails painted a new and exciting color.
In the morning Kailey and I would snuggle up in our rocking chair and share loving quiet moments. I miss my sweet Kailey “Oopy” in so many ways. Her wonderful way of melting my heart when she whispered “Mommy, I so love you so much.” and her constant zest for life. She was so vivacious, a beautiful little sprite laughing and soaking up every minute of the day.

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click here for more of Kailey's page & Web rings

click here for more pictures

Kailey's pet Sammy - coolest dog on the net
Melissa's page

I can't imagine a pain more biting or an emptiness more overwhelming than the loss of a beloved child

Kailey's story is linked to her picture page.. In the park. Click on the, for more pictures link if you are interested. It has taken me a long time to be able to post this story. So many of you have e-mailed me about struggles you or your loved ones face concerning the loss of a child. There is a plan and we must have faith. Faith is the answer - trust in what your heart knows deep within. I will never be the same as before, for death has broken my heart. Faith is the balm that has soothed my weary heart. I know that I will be with Kailey again and that knowledge gives me the strength to go on.