Stan and Mark Stankowski's Home Page

Stan and Mark

This is my son Mark and me. We live in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.
We are huge Green Bay Packers fans and have been, since birth!!! GO PACK GO!!!
Mark is a currently working 3rd shift. He is now the proud new owner of a Ford Exploder!
I own a '84 Harley-Davidson XLX Shovelhead and a 1980 Dyna Wide Glide. I rode in the 95th Anniversary Parade in Milwaukee and had a great time at the 100th.
I am a Lover of Tigers and believe we should do all we can to keep this awesome creature from going extinct!!!
I have found the woman of my dreams!!! LISA... I LOVE YOU!!!

***Save the Tiger***

Mark's Senior Pictures
Stan's Pictures
The Zoo
More Tiger Pics!!!

Wanna see something Freaky???

Me and My son Mark!
Mark and my Nephews, Jacob and Jared

Green Bay Packers

Super Bowl I, II and XXXI Champions

The Stankowski Family Home Page is still under construction. Please come back and visit me soon.

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