I pledge allegiance to the Flag
Of The United States Of America
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One Nation, Under God, Indivisible,
with Liberty, and Justice for All.

God Bless America

And help us to stand firm against all
that would try to undermine the principles
our Great Nation was founded upon,
Truth, Justice, Honesty, Integrity, Moral Values
And the belief that, We The People,
are all created equal.

We, as a nation, can withstand any enemy
from outside our own shores,but when the
enemy sets up camp from within, and begins
to erode all the values we hold so dear, and
which has made our nation the Great Nation She
is, then we, The People, must sing out, and let
our voices be heard all across this Great Land.
It is time to let this evil force know that we
are a people to be reckoned with. This Nation
was built with blood, sweat, and tears, and the
help of The ALMIGHTY LORD,
and will be defended with no less.

I am so very proud of my country, and so
proud to be an American citizen. I, like so
many others, am here because of the sacrifices
our forefathers made to make this Great Land
a free, and safe place for their children, and
grandchildren to live, and prosper. She has
held her arms open, and welcomed those from
other countries to come, and make this Nation
their home, safe from religious, and political
persecution. Please, let us not forget the principles
our Nation has always held in the highest esteem.
Let us keep her great, a Nation other countries
can call their friend in times of peace,
and a Nation they can call upon for help in
times of need.

Precious Heavenly Father,
Please bless all those who have been injured or have
lost loved ones due to the evil acts perpetrated upon
this Nation by terrorists on 911. Please bless them with
the courage, and strength they need in the days to follow.

Please bless all the medical, and emergency personnel
as they work tirelessly to protect, and serve those
in need. I ask your blessings in the name of
Jesus Christ,Our Lord, and Savior.


United We Stand

Divided We Fall

Thank You For Visiting God Bless America.



Unity Ribbons Courtesy Of~Unity Ribbon Web Site~Thank You!

Music Sequenced By~DON CARROLL~Thank You!

Some Background graphics from Creations By Dawn

Buttons Provided by Visual Tutorials

Some Photos from Free Stock Photos

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Although this page was originally created in December 1999,
It was never more relevant than it was September, 2001,
And still is now.
Updated March 21, 2009