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           Welcome To
   Teas n' Kips !!

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Your home away from home for Friendly Chat, Music and Color. Feel free to drop in on us anytime. The irc door is always open. :))

The results of a long overdue trip to Florida!!

                                                                          Relax and look around!!

We do have some rather unique regulars here at #KipsPlace, well unique in their own way!

Every channel has its spelling perfectionist and ours is our Co Host of this site - Teashall
      (Woe be unto anyone that has the audacity to misspell a word).

Want an update on Bourbon Street? Just ask  Lizzzie , she can keep you current.

When it comes to a 'devil' we do have our own  Tazmom
     (Don't start anything with her you are not SURE you can finish!)

Peggels has now graduated from law school and is a full fledged attorney in Boston, Mass.

Of course everyone knows the infamous MiniRunnr!

Flowers? Yep we have a 'flower gal' too...nick of  Daisy.

Now and then we are privileged to see the 'legs' that set Hollywood on its heels...goes by the nick of  Purple.
(by the way she is a proud grandmother now!!)

Color??? Just pull  BobR s chain and he will deluge you.

It wouldn't be right to leave out his vivacious wife,  JoanR .
     (If you want to get on her good side play the mid...'feellike' and watch her go gooey!

We can't forget out buddy from Canada,  Leif

Jean_Do and Natasja, both from Holland are always welcomed when they drop in.

Caladron and his wife Avalon are always fun to be around. (Ask Ava about 'Wax Jobs')

Honey, from San Antonio, Texas has rejoined our growing ranks. This gal has a quick wit...beware!!

The latest Momma on the channel making up for lost time,  LadyRose from the 'land down under'

How about that Snicklets..Rumor has it she drove the get away car in the
latest California bank heist!!

The list goes on and on and on!!

                            Cuban Jazz
mp3 of the week

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Es Solo Musica
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  Here Are A Few Links That I Think Are

Pics Anyone!!

How About Some Midi Files

Over 200 Blues & Boogie
So you like to cook!!
Recipes from
Tips and Tricks to maintain a


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Fun With Java Applets



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