NCS Cape Town
General History Database

A great deal of time has been spent collecting the information contained in these pages. The data has been compiled, and confirmed, from the dozens of lists that are available from various sources including The Internet, Public Libraries, City Archives and Books. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data published, and I must appologise in advance for any errors.

If you have any additional information or text files that you would like to part with, please contact me. My E-Mail address is at the bottom of this page.


Details of Sources used for the information in this Database

HM Steamer Birkenhead

Passenger List and a picture of the memorial of HM Steamer Birkenhead, sunk off Cape Agulhas, South Africa. 26th Feb 1852


List of Executions in England from 1606 to 1895

RMS Titanic

Passenger list of the 'Titanic', 14th April 1912

The Mayflower

The historic voyage from England to America, 1620

The Alamo

Roll call of The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas. 23rd of February to the 6th of March 1836

Battle of Trafalgar

Officers wounded at the Battle of Trafalgar, Spain. 21st of October 1805

Battle of Trafalgar

Officers killed at the Battle of Trafalgar, Spain. 21st of October 1805

Battle of Trafalgar

Clasps Awarded for participation in the Battle of Trafalgar, Spain. 21st of October 1805

Battle of Jutland

Royal Navy losses at The Battle of Jutland 1916

South African Forces

Soldiers killed in South Africa & South West Africa 1914 to 1918

Woodstock Memorial

Transcript of the Memorial to the Imperial Troops. Maitland Cemetery, Cape Town

Spanish Armada

Ships, Masters & Captains of the English fleet. 1588

Boer War

Victoria Cross's awarded to imperial troops for service in the Boer War

Brixton Prison

1871 Census of Brixton Prison, Surrey, England

Bedford Prison

1851 Census of Bedford Prison, Bedfordshire, England

Coast Guard

Coast Guard Officers, extracted from the 1851 Navy List

Army List

Commissariat Department, British Army, 1851

Blitz #1

Casualties in the borough of Clydebank, Glasgow, Scotland during the Blitz, 1939-1945

Blitz #2

Casualties in Northumberland, Durham, North and East Ridings of Yorkshire during the Blitz, 1939-1945

39th Btn AIF

List of the 39th battalion, Australian Infantry Force. 1914-1918

99th Regiment

Transcript of the Memorial in Maitland Cemetery, Cape Town to the 99th Regiment & the convict ship Waterloo

HM Submarine THETIS

Double Tragedy. Casualty list of HM Submarine THETIS and then the re-named HM Submarine THUNDERBOLT.

HMS Leopard

Full compliment list of the Warship HMS Leopard on its first commission from 1958 to 1960. Incidentally, the last British Warship to visit South Africa for 30 years, due to sanctions.

Maritime Database

Vessels involved in Maritime incidents off Southern Africa, 1552 to 1984


Military Or Unusual Burials Around Cape Town. An on-going database of Military Burials within a radius 300 Km radius of Cape Town.


Armed Merchant Cruiser, November 1940


Ship's Company and Passengers of The Indiaman GROSVENOR, wrecked off the South Eastern Cape Coast, South Africa, 4th August 1782.

(Sincere thanks to The Van Riebeeck Society, Cape Town).

Natal Field Artillery

Roll of Honour, Durban and Pietermaritzburg units

East India Company

List of Casualties. East India Company directory and register 1832

R101 Airship

Casualty List, R101 Airship October 5th 1930

Link to the East Indiaman Homepage

Link to the DUNGARVAN Museum Society Homepage

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Greetings from Cape Town

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