Activities of the Marietta High School Class of '63
MHS IndexPurpose of Marietta Schools FoundationWalk of FameSupporters of MSFJackie Smallwood Ball Feild
Class of 63's 35th year ReunionClass of 1963'ss 40th Reunion'63 Band Tripemail Neil Barfield about MHS School FoundationAnaley Meaders 1945-2005
45th Reunion July 12, 2008Reunion Saturday July 12, 2008 @5 p.m.
At Mike Clotfelter's 868 Powder Springs Rd. Marietta.
Contact Marcelle David  770-429-0757
For a$30 per person Reservation form and Questionnaire
Purpose of Marietta Schools Foundation
Purpose of the Marietta School Foundation Walk of Fame 
Teachers get special recognition on the square in the Teachers Walk of Fame. 
Supporters of MSF 
Pictures of the 
for supporters  
of the MSF
To promote excellence in education, the Foundation Awards $20,000 in Post-Secondary Scholarships to MHS students. 
"Teacher of the Year" for 1999.    Join today.
Contact Neil Barfield, Executive Director  
MHS Alumni Society  
P.O. Box 1265,  
Analey Meaders 1945-2005 Fondest memories of a great person. And a great Mayor and proponent of education. 
Jackie Smallwood Ball Feild
Jackie Smallwood ball field dedication.
To the 1963 MHS reunion index.
1963 -1998 Reunion Index
1963 -1998 Reunion Index 

Pictures of the 35th reunion Dance for the class of '63

Class of 63's 35th year Reunion 
Dinner at Bill Underwood's 
Class of 1963'ss 40th Reunion
1963 - 2003  Reunion Index
Pictures of the 40th reunion of the class of '63
To International Optimist Conventiion in Toronto Canada
Rare news photos of the 1963 Toronto Band Trip  '63 Band Trip 
Anything concerning these pages can be emailed to  Doug Merriman 
Email Doug about anything.
 To the official web site for the Marietta Schools Foundation.
To the official web site for the MHS Alumni Society