Excerpts from the Foundation Ledger, a bi-annual report to the members of the Marietta Schools Foundation , a 501 3C non Profit organization, August 1998. Foundation Rewards Marietta's Teachers of the Year and Best Teachers Cash rewards provided by the Marietta Schools Foundation and the Marietta High School Alumni Socitey. The Marietta Schools Foundaion has sought for many years to recognize excellence in the faculty, staff and students of our schools. With this goal in mind, we have made a yearly cash reward to the Teachers of the Year for the entire system. The 1998 Teacher of the Year for Marietta City Schools is Mrs. Darlene Draby, of Burruss Elementary School. Mrs Darby receives a hearty congratulation and a $1000 check from the Merietta Schools Foundaion. The foundation also recognizes and congratulates *nine* Teachers of the Year from each individual school in the system. Each teacher will receive a $500 check from the Foundaion. The Marietta High School Alumni Society seeks to reward the best teacher in every grade at the lower schools, and in every subject area at Marietta High. *Eighteen* teachers were awarded as the "Best Teachers in their area" by the Society at the reception on the Square last May and received a $400 check each. (click back on your browser to return)