Day 13 - Memphis/Beale Street/Danny Thomas' St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Beale Street is where the blues began. Rising out of the Mississippi River, it runs for one mile straight through the busy heart of Memphis.

We only viewed this by day, but can imagine that these wild neon signs must dazzle you at night.

The Memphis Police Museum, on Beale Street, is unique in that it is the only police museum in the Nation that houses an active working station. This provides 24 hour Police Service to the entire downtown Memphis area. We enjoyed seeing the old desk sergeant globes and the Dog Squad patch.

St. Jude Research Center

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the world's only institution devoted solely to the study and treatment of catastrophic childhood illnesses, was built on one man's promise. "Help me find my place in life and I will build you a shrine where the poor and the helpless and the hopeless may come for comfort and aid." Then a struggling radio actor with $7 in his pocket, Danny Thomas offered this prayer on his knees in a Detroit church before a statue of St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes.

Research at St. Jude Hospital rewrote the textbooks on childhood cancer. Before the institution opened, less than 4 percent of children with the most common form of pediatric cancer, acute lymphocytic leukemia, survived. Largely because of treatments developed at St. Jude Hospital, now more than 70 percent of children survive this form of leukemia.

This is the tomb where Danny Thomas is laid to rest.

Behind the tomb is a sanctuary which is lit by stained glass windows. This is one of the windows in the building and I found it to be touching.

This whimsical bronze statue, on the grounds of the research center, says it all. It is called "Happy Times" and this is Danny's dream come through. All children deserve a good, healthy and happy life.