Hi,  I'm Dobiegram.
Once upon a time, grammas used to carry Grandma Brag Books--little photo albums with all the latest pictures of the grandkids.   Well, I have one of those, for sure, but This gramma also  has a web page and now that you're here, you may as well just make yourself comfortable, 'cause I have lots of braggin' to do!

2004 UPDATE!  
Summer time baby--Meet Alex.
                                     (Web Page by Lauri)
Winter time baby--Meet Joey. 
Michelle Elizabeth   Born April 12, 2002
Nathan Dante     Born May 25, 2002
Kara Ayne Lacerna  Born September 5, 2003
Here's me with Bandit.   Click on us to see more dobies.
The butterflies know where my garden is.  Now you do, too.
On August 11, 1995, I quit smoking, after 30  years of 1--2 packs a day.   Now, hopefully,  I have a chance to live long enough and healthy enough to see those grandbabies grow up.   If you, too, want to quit, please check out the pages below.    I met Bud on the alt.support.stop-smoking Usenet group, where you will find all kinds of dear people who will help you on your way to smoke FREEDOM.
Want to Quit Smoking?  AS3 helped me

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