Wolfe Family Home Page

Welcome to our little place on the web.
We are glad you stopped by to visit us.

This is a work in progress - Bear with us as Deb experiments with learning html!
We will be updating things whenever Deb has time, (which isn't often!)
so please come back and visit again!

We are the Wolfe Family
Steve, Deb, Alec, Jessica and Benjamin.

We also have a very spoiled coonhound - Molly .
She is so spoiled, she even has her own web page! Take a look!

Deb's Sewing Page does have pictures.

Feel free to browse the photos and email me with any questions or requests for quotes on a project.
Deb's Sewing Page

Things will get more interesting around here as I figure out how to do this stuff!
Well, maybe not exactly interesting, but updated once in a great while.
Check back in a while to see what's new!
Thanks for stopping by!

This page last modified 1/12/06.
We'd love to hear from you! Send us a note!

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