"The Deer Slayer"

This is the first deer that the Lord so bountifully supplied us with.

I was sitting in the shooting house on a power line. About 40 yards below this shooting house is a green field planted with clover. I arrived at the stand around a quarter til ten in the morning. There was already a big doe in the green field at the time. She spooked but did not blow and meanderred into the neighborring woods with out giving me a clean shot. She walked this time. I settled down into the stand and at eleven fifteen a.m., two does came out of the woods and started grazing across the field. I watched these two for twenty minutes. I noticed that they both continued to glance back towards the woods in anticipation. Mr. Big Buck had to be in there somewhere. I decided to wait on Mr. Big Buck. Well, he never showed. (It's a good thing too.) These two does continued across the field and started to return to the woods where they entered and I whispered to myself "Oh no you don't, I am hungry." I took the lead doe. I cleaned her myself and quartered her and took her to the processor for hamburger.

This is the second deer that was graciously accepted by my family.

This is the doe that I saw on the hunt previous. I arrived in the same stand about ten fifteen a.m. and the wind was blowing against my back. I knew that my hunt was over before it really began. I settled back just enjoying nature and saw two deer cross about three hundred and fifty yards up further on the power line. I began to rationalize that they would make their way down to the green field in a few hours and I thought, just maybe, they would not wind me before I could get a shot off. I began to grow more impatient as the winds increased intensity on my back, blowing my scent ever forward onto the green field. I decided to call it a day at eleven fifteen a.m. after only being in the stand for an hour. Because of the wind and my discouragement, I literally jumped out of the stand. I crept around the backside of the shooting house, pretending like I was a hunter making sure that nothing spotted me leaving my hide-a-way. I glanced down at the green field half heartedly and there she was. She stood perfectly still, watching me. I stood perfectly still, watching her. I slowly raised my rifle, all the while she just stood there, prettier than a picture, while I got my cross hairs on her vitals. This time I breathed a prayer of thanks "Thank you, God" and pulled the trigger.

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