Hello my name is Anne Marie. Mother of 3 beautiful
children. Sara 6 yrs old, James 4 yrs old, and Kendra 1 yr old. I
also have an 12 yr old stepson named Justin. And I love loons. A friend once called me a loonatic(crazy
about loons). I guess I fit that description.

My Loon Family

You might ask: Why my obsession with loons? Well it
all started 17 years ago while camping in the adirondack
mountains of New York, which by the way is now my home.
I was awoken one morning by this strange yet beauti-
ful sound coming from the lake. I naturally went to see
what it was. I saw a beautiful bird and fell in love
with loons and had to find out all about this magnificant
bird. Once you hear that sound you will never forget it.

Anne's Loons

Haunt me with your songs of beauty,
Lone souls of nature…
Sharing your inner peace….

Solitude fills my senses,
Your calls calm me…

For pure and untouched,
By man are thee…
A magnificent creature of God you be…

My loon,
Connection to earth…
Mere existence of simplistic beauty….

Deb St.A.
Copyright 1/99

More of Deb's poems

Thank-you Deb for the beautiful poem, see more of Deb's original works at "A Touch Of Victorian"

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My other interests are collecting Precious Moments

thank-you Stacey!

See more of Stacey's creation

Thank you Stacey

Click on the Teddy to learn more about my
bestfriend Deldoc
Thank you Del

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Winter Wonderland

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