Rank: The Dreaded Rear Admiral Roni
Critics' Acclaim: "Two Thumbs up, way up!"
Major: Biological Engineering
Height: 5'10" (or so he claims...)
Distinguishing Feature: The Fabio-like hair
Emode Personality Colour: Blue
Special Skill: master of disguise - fully utilising his abilities in unlimited accent generation and slight of hand...
Nickname: monkeyface
Favourite Quote: "Who wears short shorts?"
Favourite Team Death Moment: When we had that big drunken orgy
Favourite Animal Reference: Monkeys and cats
Favourite three-letter sound effect: meh
Archenemy: The anti-Roni (otherwise known as Bonnie the monkey and cat hater)
Most likely found: sleeping or thinking about sleep
Watch - digital or analogue: analogue
Claim to fame: snapped a mouse in half and ravaged its inards
Colour of Silly Putty: Hypercolour Green
Obession: monkeys and cats
Webpage(s): http://www.uoguelph.ca/~rkapadia/