Sharyn Ruskey with Charlie Bradford, Talika Sihri Sanj and Bob Luke     [photo: Jenny Jerrad]  Talika's Focus...

Talika Arabian Stud began its breeding program with Arabian Derivatives while owner, Sharyn Ruskey, was still at primary school. The purebred Arabian breeding programme began 28 years ago, her first Egyptian-related horses were bred 5 years later and her first Straight Egyptians 2 years after this with the purchase of the imported in dam mare, Janidah (USA) followed within the year by the ethereal filly, Shahmira, after seeing her as an exquisite new born foal.

The early photos of exquisitely typey Egyptian Arabians in American Arabian magazines first attracted me to Egyptian horses and seeing the enormous eyes of Al Karim Sirhalima and his sire Ansata Ibn Halima 'hooked' me completely. Meeting Ibn Moniet El Nefous at Bentwood Farms in the USA was another turning point. Over time, the Egyptian horses which most impressed me were: 

  • Ibn Moniet El Nefous, for his overpowering presence, bearing and carriage, desert dryness and exquisite type; 
  • Ansata Ibn Halima, for his type, attitude and the strength of pedigree; 
  • Farazdac for his exotic sea-horse head; and 
  • Serenity Sonbolah, for her femininity, smoothness, balance and substance. 

At Talika we value Egyptian horses for their extremely dry, chiselled head features, their overall elegance and refinement, which they exhibit without sacrificing strength and substance. The Egyptian breeding programme is a dual purpose one - beside the predominant straight Egyptian programme there is an outcross programme with half and high percentage Egyptian blood Arabians. The Egyptian Arabians used in this part of the programme are particularly valued for the prepotent qualities their individual pedigrees offer. Himar, the stud's foundation mare was pure Crabbet and other mares in the Egyptian outcross programme carry Polish, Spanish and Crabbet bloodlines. 

Our preference is to ride a beautiful Arabian and our basic aim as a breeder is to produce horses which are intrinsically Arabian and beautiful, without sacrificing conformation quality and soundness, athletic ability or lovable temperaments. Talika strives to produce the very best Arabian foal from every mating, irrespective of the percentage of Egyptian blood it carries. 

The straight Egyptian horses in Talika Arabian Stud are the stallions Talika Neshar, Talika Neshir, Talika Fashahn Ibn Fazir, Talika Sahil Ibn Sirdahn, Talika Sahahn and Talika Shasahn.

It was an earth-shattering loss for Talika when senior stallions Talika Fazir Ibn Shahmira and Talika Sirdahn Halima died late in 1998 within days of each other.  The stud fortunately has both male and female, Straight and Egyptian bred progeny of these stallions.  Although their respective lineages will not be lost, there will be a considerable re-think in the breeding program based at Talika.

The senior mare nucleus consists of Janidah (iid USA), Talika Siridah, Talika Sihnidah, Talika Fazarah, Talika Bint Bint Shahmira, Talika Fazidah, Talika Nemiesha, Talika Sirdarah, Talika Sidirah and Talika Neshanah.  The young mares and fillies band comprises Talika Saharah, Talika Nefari, Talika SeductionTalika Nesari Bint Janidah and Talika Nazarah

Talika has a long list of show successes both in hand, under saddle and in harness, for its Egyptian and Egyptian related horses. Among the most successful Talika-bred horses are Talika Siridah, Talika Splendour, Talika Shahil, Talika Sihri Sanj, Talika Mustafan, Talika Sijan, Talika Shabah, Talika Fazique, Talika Fazidah, Talika Sirdarah and Talika Nemiesha

Like so many of the Egyptian breeders in Australia, we feel it is critical for Egyptian breeding in Australia that we continue to import quality, well pedigreed, prepotent straight Egyptian horses to expand the available genetic pool and complement the bloodlines already available here.

Examples of Arabian Horses bred by Talika Arabian Stud... click here

Foundation Arabians Straight Egyptians Sires
of Significance
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