Troop 82 History

   The Boy Scouts of America was founded in the United States
in 1910.  According to the records of the Willington Historical
Society, Scouting began in Willington in 1919.

   The first troop in Willington was Troop 46.  There was a
second troop, Troop 47, in South Willington from 1936 to 1940.
In 1959—1960 Willington had a Ship Company Explorer Post with
Lincoln Clark as Advisor.  From 1966 to 1972 there was another
Explorer Post.  There was also a Fire Rescue Explorer Post
sponsored by the Fire Department #1 from 1980 to 1989.

   The first charter for Troop 82 was February 28, 1942.
Troop 82 was sponsored by the Federated Church from
1942—1950, the Corporal Henry Toberman VFW Post 938 from
1951 until 1957, the Willington PTA from 1958 to 1959, and
the VFW Post from 1960 to 1974.  Since 1975 the Troop has
been sponsored by Fire Department #2—Willington Hill.

   The Troop has met on and off in the present Scout Hall on
the town green since 1926.  The Troop has also met in the
Church Hall, Hall Memorial School, and the Fire House at
various times.  

   At present the Troop meets Mondays from 7:30 P.M. until 8:30 P.M.
in the Scout Hall, which is the old, old Town Hall built in 1876
(see picture below).

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Last updated 09/08/03