TN/KY Ancestors

Please note: Just because you see something on the internet (or in print elsewhere) doesn't mean it's true! I have tried to verify all my data, but you should ALWAYS double-check elsewhere for yourself, preferably from original sources.

NC Quakers - Randolph County,NC

I have an indexed copy of "Marlboro Friends Meeting Cemetery",
a large Quaker cemetery in Randolph Co., North Carolina. It contains
about 2,000 tombstone transcriptions, many dating from the 1700's.

If you are searching for Quaker ancestors in the
Randolph County, NC area, this is a real treasure trove!
Send me your surnames, first names (if possible), and any known
birth/death dates. Please mention the words "Quaker" or "Marlboro" somewhere in your request. I'll check it out and send back anything I come up with.
No guarantees...but I'll give it a try. PLEASE NOTE - this cemetery index is the ONLY resource I have! I don't have anything other than these tombstone inscriptions! For further research, may I recommend the following:

The Randolph Room, Randolph County, NC Library
Guilford College, Hege Library, Friends Historical Collection

Surname Index, Marlboro Friends Cemetery

Coltrain/Coltrane, Cox, Davis, Farlow, Spencer, and many, many more

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