Genealogy of Ray's Connected Families

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Raymond E. Sommerville
1505 R Street
Belleville, Kansas 66935
785-317-6713 cell
Ultimate Family Tree, ver 2.9
SOMRVILE Project Version 222
January 14, 2007

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Table of Contents

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Acker, Adams, Allen, Ament, Anderson, Andrews, Armstrong, Arnold, Asher, Babcock, Badgett, Baines, Baird, Ball, Banes, Barlette, Barnes, Barringer, Bartlett, Barton, Batsell, Bauer, Baxendale, Bean, Beans, Beard, Beavon, Beck, Beeson, Bell, Bench, Bennett, Benson, Benton, Bergstrom, Berner, Berryhill, Biauce, Bilbo, Billings, Blackwell, Blagden, Blevins, Bock, Bodenhamer, Bogard, Bohrer, Boltwood, Bone, Bonham, Bonsall, Bontrager, Bostian, Bosworth, Bottom, Bourke, Bowdle, Bowman, Boynton, Brandt, Branson, Branstetter, Bray, Brecount, Brice, Brill, Britt, Broiles, Brooks, Brown, Brozek, Bruner, Bruning, Bryant, Burcham, Burge, Burnau, Burson, Burt, Burton, Bush, Bussa, Butler, Butterbaugh, Butterfield, Callahan, Calvert, Campbell, Capen, Carlisle, Carn, Carr, Carson, Case, Castillo, Cave, Challenger, Chapman, Chatfield, Choppi, Christensen, Clark, Clement, Cliffton, Cobb, Cockburn, Coddington, Cole, Collier, Collins, Colvin, Comfort, Cook, Cooke, Cooley, Cooper, Cornwall, Courson, Courtright, Cox, Cozad, Cozart, Craft, Creecy, Creekmore, Crenshaw, Crewes, Crisp, Cromwell, Crosby, Cross, Crouch, Culpepper, Cummins, Cunningham, Curry, Cussins, Cutler, Dallas, Dalton, Dane, Darner, Daugherty, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, De La Barre, Dehaven, Demoss, DeMott, DeMotte, Dever, DeWeese, Dickson, Dietz, Dillingham, Dodd, Dollar, Dopkins, Drake, Drewyor, Duer, Dulin, Dure, Durham, Earnhart, Ecklund, Eininger, Engelbrecht, Ensign, Estanal, Etress, Evans, Eves, Eyes, Fairbanks, Faridi, Farrens, Fawcett, Fay, Felix, Fenner, Ferris, Fink, Finn, Fitch, Fitzgerald, Flanagan, Fleming, Fletcher, Flower, Forehand, Foshee, Foster, Fox, Franklin, Freemott, French, Frisella, Fulmer, Furby, Garrison, Garza, Gerald, Gibson, Giddings, Gilbert, Giles, Gillespie, Gittings, Glade, Gobble, Goff, Gould, Grandy, Green, Gregg, Griggs, Grove, Groves, Hackney, Hackspacher, Hagberg, Haines, Hansen, Hanson, Harmon, Harris, Harshaw, Harter, Hartin, Hartman, Harvey, Hasil, Haven, Hawkins, Heald, Hefton, Heiser, Herbelee, Herbsleb, Herting, Hiatt, Hightower, Hinkle, Hitchcock, Hively, Hockett, Hodgson, Hodson, Hogan, Hollenshead, Hollingshead, Hollingsworth, Hollinshead, Holt, Hoskins, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Huber, Huffman, Huss, Hutchinson, Hyland, Ilson, Jacobe, James, Jandrey, Jansen, Jared, Jaundrey, Jeffcoat, Jefferson, Jesse, Jewell, Jewitt, Jiles, Johnson, Jones, Judd, Kann, Karr, Kayser, Keeling, Kellogg, Kelsey, Kemp, Kennedy, Kerr, Kincaid, King, Kinman, Kinsley, Kirkpatrick, Knoop, Koepfgen, Korn, Kraeplin, Krauskop, LaBar, Ladd, Lamb, Lane, Larn, Lassman, Lauderman, Lawrence, Leatherwood, Lenz, Leschmann, Lester, Lethco, Lewis, Lindsay, Lindsey, Little, Lomax, Long, Lovell, Lynch, Lyons, Mabry, Macy, Malone, Mansfield, Marable, Marchant, Mardon, Marples, Marr, Masters, Mathers, Mathis, Maxwell, Maynard, McAlhany, McBrayer, McClain, McCord, McCoy, McCullough, McCurdy, McDonald, McDonnald, McGahey, McKim, McKinnon, McLaughlin, McNeeley, McNichols, McQuin, Meadows, Meats, Menne, Metzger, Mickelson, Mickle, Milam, Miles, Miller, Millsap, Miover, Mix, Moffitt, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mulloy, Munn, Murphy, Murray, Nelson, Newbold, Newkirk, Nickel, Northcutt, Norton, Noyes, Olsen, Ortery, Osborne, Otten, Ottman, Owens, Page, Pannell, Park, Parker, Parks, Parrick, Pate, Patton, Pepper, Peterson, Petitto, Phelps, Pierce, Pinkham, Pinnell, Pitts, Player, Pointer, Pool, Poole, Pope, Potter, Powers, Predmore, Press, Price, Ramsey, Randall, Rankin, Rauscher, Reed, Reedy, Rees, Regan, Reichuber, Reifers, Reineking, Rhodes, Richards, Richerson, Richins, Rickard, Rieves, Robbins, Robeson, Robey, Rodriques, Rogers, Rose, Royston, Rumler, Runyan, Rupp, Rush, Russell, Ruth, Ryan, Sackey, Salzer, Samson, Sanders, Santarius, Sarvis, Savage, Saxton, Sayres, Scherer, Schleuning, Schlotterbeck, Schnetzler, Schroeder, Schultz, Schumaker, Schweissguth, Scifres, Scott, Scraper, Seely, Setliff, Seward, Shanklin, Sheedy, Shelton, Sherwood, Short, Shumaker, Sibek, Siefer, Simmons, Sipek, Skaggs, Skov, Slauson, Sluyter, Smiley, Smith, Snail, Snell, Snider, Snyder, Sommerville, Spears, Spencer, Sprague, Springsteel, Sproul, Squire, Squires, Stahl, Stanley, Starbird, Steagall, Stebbins, Steely, Stegall, Steiner, Steward, Stockton, Stratford, Stroud, Sudduth, Suggs, Sutherland, Sutton, Swearingen, Sweeny, Sweissgood, Swicegood, Sylvester, Talbot, Tando, Telford, Test, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Toche, Todd, Toone, Townsend, Travis, Traylor, Trimble, True, Truitt, Trussell, Tundy, Turkett, Tussey, Tutt, Tuttle, Valerio, Vargas, Vaughan, Wagner, Waigand, Walker, Walls, Waltz, Warford, Waring, Warner, Warren, Watanabe, Watson, Way, Webb, Weir, Welch, Westbrook, Westlake, Wharton, Wheeler, White, Whitear, Whitfield, Whitley, Wiggins, Wilber, Wilkins, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winkelman, Winstead, Witcher, Wolf, Womack, Wood, Woodson, Woolley, Wright, Wytcher, Yarbrough, Young, Youngblood, Youree, Zasadal, Zuala

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Hi, Welcome to my Family Tree. Use this information to help build your family tree. But, never sell or use this information for commercial use. This is my work for over 20 years. It is free for your personal use only. I don't believe that information for your genealogy sould cost you to achive putting your tree together. Thanks, and happy hunting. Dedicated to my mother and father, and the many lives they touched through out their days. We love and miss you very much. My God Bless your soul and keep you in his loving arms.

Sincerely R.E. Sommerville Copyright 2006

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