OkieMom's Heaven

I'm OkieMom and this is my main site,

Thanks for dropping by.

I have two son's ages 14 & 10,

they are great kids!

(ya even though they are boys.)

My hubby is a great guy,

( a real man's man)

We have been married 14 yrs..

Please don't do the math. LOL

We love living in Oklahoma,

and wouldn't dream of moving.

We enjoy going to Rod Shows

and finding great sites in Oklahoma to visit.

I am a stay at home mom.

I used to enjoy helping my husband from time to time,

he is self employed Tree Trimmer

{he is very good}.

He also delivers cars to the local dealers.

{cars are his hobby}

We have A white schnauzer

She is the best dog we ever owned,

She is AKC registerd.

There has been alot happen in this new year

I have recently been

diagnosed with a Arnold Chiari Malformation.

For more information about this

click here.ACM

I have some good links Visit my Links page.

I have started on pages for my boys,

If you have time

Would you Please go by and sign their book.

They love that

And they check everyday.

Liz has some great animal stuff.

She helped me with these pages too.

She is a great Lady.

My pictures aren't much

But you will get the idea..

Take a trip through my Heaven

Hope you enjoy!

Well I guess that is it for now.

OH..Don't forget to sign my

guest book before you go !

Thanks for coming by!

See you in the funny papers !!

OkieMom & Family

You Could Help These Children

We all make time for our

families one way or another,

and no matter how much time

we take for them,

They always enrich our lives.

What would you do with those extra minutes

if your child was lost?

We all have the eyes and ears

to help these children

and their loved ones.

All you have to do is look,

To take a extra minute

and study these pictures and the cases .

is that really to much to ask..

.... If it were your child?

This is worth a minute...

If you have children.
Please take a look.

Index of My Pages

Or You Can

Let Me Guide You through My Heaven

My Special Friend

Liz's Little Acres

My Links

My Awards! I am so Proud! :o)

Thank You Marie!

Carla's Creations Award of Excellence

Thank You Carla

This is my new book.. my old one is on my page at Talk City
Thank you for signing it

Daddy's Boy's

Sitting on the sidewalk

Kicking in the dirt

With smudges on their elbows

and chocolate on their shrits.

Eyes fixed on the highway

Life is not so bad

Just passing time in the sunshine

Waiting for their Dad

Well, all kids have their heros

It's really nothing new,

From SuperMan and Robin Hood

To Captian Kangeroo.

But, My boys are special,

And their hero is the same.

Their hero is a real man

And Daddy is his name

poem by Linda Desper

" I'll Come To You "

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