COMING SOON: A klingon-english, english-klingon dictionary, history of the Klingon Empire, history of the Federation, history of the dragons, my geneology, how to do HTML, tips, tricks, and secrets - a step by step instructions on making your own world.
Here is my book case. Listed are books I have read as well as my review on that book. As I read more books, I will be placing them on my book case. If you have a real good book you have read and would like me to place it on my book case, go to my study and leave me a message with the book title and arthur, plus a decriptive reason why you think I should read it. If I like it, I will place it on my book case. |
I am a poet and have written a few poems based on my feelings and experiences in my life. I can also write poems for others for special occasions or if you want one that goes with the theme of your world, contact me at my study and I will write it and have it on your desk with in 24 to 48 hours. If you want the poem for your web site, I just ask that you put me as the arthur with a way back to My World. |