
Earth Angels

Most of us have a reason or a story behind our web site,
this is mine.

In 1998, I began to feel that I must tell
others more about Christ.

I was torn and kept telling myself that I did
not have the resources or the knowledge to do this.

The feelings grew stronger.
I had turned to the computer increasingly
trying to think of other things.
I would read for hours on end,
the supply was endless on the WWW.

Finally, after much soul searching and prayer,
it was made clear to me that I was to use my computer
to spread His word to others.

This message was to be called Miracles.

I had a hopeless feeling, and NO idea how to
go about achieving what I felt led to do.

The more I went out and traveled the
Information Super Highway,
the more I realized that
I had been directed to do this important work.

When I applied for a free homepage at GeoCities
I was as green as the first apple on the tree.

I read and tried to understand how the file manager
worked, still I could not get the few items that I had
uploaded onto the first page.

I struggled with this, and found myself asking God,
"what IF I offend someone with what I write?"
The more I would ask "Why", the more I was led.

Almost a month after moving into Heartland Ridge
I still did not have one page up and working.

I was doubting what I had been led to do.
Even though I felt strong within my heart
Miracles was meant to become reality.

I had decided that If I could not get the first page
to work by a said date, I would delete the site, and No
one would ever know of my failure, no one but Jesus.

The night came for me to delete the site that had never been.

As I wondered around Geocities almost in tears, I found a page
that told about Community Leaders and their desire to help
homesteaders like myself.
I thought I need more than help, I need a Miracle.

You will seek me and find me
when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

I said a prayer, then picked a name which was Steve.

I reluctantly sent an e mail to this CL
saying I was
ready to abandon ship.
The next day I received mail from him offering help.
That poor soul did not even know what he was in for.

This is when my story and Miracles began.
One year later I feel it is time to thank
Mr. Steve "All Law", a great CL.

Without God and the ever persisting push on my heart
and the help
of a wonderful Community Leader,
this story would never have been told.

Today I still can receive help if needed.
One cannot realize how much
these dedicated people want others to succeed.

So it is with admiration, appreciation, and gratitude I say
thank you ALL for making Miracles a reality.

"May His light shine on you and bless you
today and always, for you are My Earth Angels."

Other Angels include..

CandeeKis Graphics

I cannot ever thank everyone who has contributed.
This has been a labor of love, with helping
hands from so many places. Each and everyone
offering unconditional support.

Now it is time to try and repay my debt by helping others.



Earth Angels..

When you Come Across an Angel

Here on earth, the world we know.

Earth angels, doing what they do best..

Bringing smiles to the ones, they know.

Earth angels build bridges instead of walls.

They do not play hide-and-seek with the truth,

they do whatever they can to help you.

Earth angels understand difficulties

always giving the benefit of doubt.

They do not hold others to standards

they cannot live by themselves.

These angels are what "inner beauty" is all about.
When you can use reassurance,

they walk beside you when you need

guidance and direction in your life.

They support you in your attempts to do right.

add to your integrity.

"They make you feel like,

you are someone who matters."

They quietly prove to you how beautiful

and true that feeling really is.

If you come across an angel like this,

consider you are blessed..

If someone in your life is an Earth angel

it is important to compliment them, let them know.

This gives them pleasure beyond compare

to tell them you know they are everywhere.