


We sometimes wonder how the world came to be.
But here we find the answer.
God created the earth and everything in it,
and made man like himself.
Although we may not understand the complexity of just how he did it,
it is clear that God did create all life.
This shows not only God's authority over humanity,
but his deep love for all people.
The most important aspect is not the process of creation,
but the origin of creation.
The world is not a product of blind chance and probability.
God created it.
The Bible not only tells us that the world was created by God;
more important, it tells us who God is.
It reveals God's personality, his character,
and his plan for his creation.
It also reveals God's deepest desire;
to relate to and fellowship with the people he created.
God took the ultimate step toward fellowship with us
through his historic visit to this planet in the person of his Son,
Jesus Christ.
We can know this God who created the universe in a very personal way.

The heavens and the earth are there.
We are here.
God created all that we see and experience.
The book of Genesis begins,
"God created the heavens and earth."
Here we begin the most exciting
and fulfilling journey imaginable.

1:1 The simple statement that God created the heavens and the earth
is one of the most challenging concepts confronting the modern mind.
The vast galaxy we live in is spinning
at the incredible speed of 490,000 miles an hour.
But even at this breakneck speed,
our galaxy still needs 200 million years to make one rotation.
And there are over one billion other galaxies
just like ours in the universe.

Some scientists say that the number of stars in creation
is equal to all the grains of all the sands
on all the beaches of the world.
Yet this complex sea of spinning stars functions
with remarkable order and efficiency.
To say that the universe "just happened" or "evolved"
requires more faith than to believe that
God is behind these amazing statistics.
God truly did create a wonderful universe.

God did not need to create the universe;
he choose to create it.

God is love, and love is best expressed toward something
or someone else so God created the world
and people as an expression of his love.
We should avoid reducing God's creation to merely scientific terms.
Remember that God created the universe because he loves each of us.

Matthew 3:2
The kingdom of heaven began when God himself
entered human history as a man.
Today Jesus Christ reigns in the hearts of believers,
but the kingdom of heaven will not be fully realized
until all evil in the world is judged and removed.
Christ came to earth first as a suffering servant;
he will come again as King and Judge
to rule victoriously over all the earth.


In my Father's house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:2-4

Jesus Teaches about the Way to Heaven
Luke 7:13
13 "Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life,
and only a few find it


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