Forney Leroy Usry

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Annuel Ussery

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Mastain Stephens


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Martin Van Buren Ussery
"Black Mart"


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Lillie Mae Usry Johnson

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Mary Texana Usry Cruse

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Rhoda Ussery Gardner


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Welcome to the Ussery Surname Research Site. I hope the information which has been collected over the past 25 years will prove useful to you in the research of your Ussery-Usry-Essary-Usery ancestor. Please understand that the content of this website is not error-free. I have not personally done the research on any of these families except mine. Should you see a mistake or a broken link, please email me at so I can check the problem. (Please include the URL site address).

I would like to thank all of the wonderful individuals who have graciously donated so much information to this site. Your contributions have helped so many researchers!!! As long as you keep sending data, I'll keep posting!!!

USSERY DNA PROJECT: The Ussery DNA Project is open to all males of the Ussery surname, in all its variants and all its spellings, from anywhere in the world. Please remember that, for genealogical purposes, the person being tested should be a biological Ussery male, not an adopted Ussery male. For more information please visit Family Tree DNA Website

FAMILIES: This extensive list offers genealogical information on many but not all the Ussery families on this web site. I've tried to separate these families by state in order to reduce confusion due to the repetition of first names. (How many John Ussery's can there be????) However, this index does not represent all the Usserys on this site.

COURT RECORDS: Separated by State and County, these records offer Census Records, land grants, deeds, marriages, death records, city directories, interesting newspaper articles, obituaries, as well as many other research records. Family names are linked to their own page when possible.

BIBLE RECORDS:Bible records were at one time the ONLY resource to document the most important occasions in a person's life. Sadly, these precious books are being lost or neglected. It is so important to protect these precious records. This collection of Bible records have been generously donated by Ussery researchers who wanted to share their preserved records with other researchers. Won't you share your records as well???

WILLS AND ESTATE RECORDS: In this collection you will find Wills as far back as the early 1800's and Estate Records dated as early as 1752.

ORIGIN OF USSERY SURNAME: I Wish I Knew!!!! On this page you will find a collection of documented research, personal letters and vast theories of the origin of the Ussery Surname. Very interesting reading!

MILITARY: Beginning with the Revolutionary War, a listing of Ussery's who fought in different wars can be found, as well as an extensive roster of Ussery's who fought in the Civil War.

NATIVE AMERICAN Miscellaneous information on Ussery's with known Native American heritage.

LINKS A list of links to other websites researching the Ussery name.

ENSLAVED: Researching enslaved ancestors is a very difficult task. As information comes along, I'll keep adding to the list. Please check your local 1850 Census Slave Schedules. Should you find any slaves with the Ussery surname, please let me know.

USSERY PHOTO GALLERY The Ussery Photo Gallery was created for those researchers who desired to share their family photographs with other Ussery researchers. Over 100 photographs have been collected, many dating back to the early-mid 1800's. If you would like to share your Ussery photos with scores of other Ussery researchers from across the country, you may contact me at A password is required to access the gallery. This project has been very successful in finding lost cousins and lost photographs!!

BOOKS I'VE PUBLISHED Take a peek at the books I've had the pleasure writing.Go to

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Be Sure and Visit My Other Family Research Site!

Before you place any of this information on your personal website, please let me know. I have noticed that a large amount of information from this website has been placed WORD-FOR-WORD on the site without permission and with no mention of credit to the Ussery Website. These pages are protected under copyright laws and under no circumstances are to be donated to profit-organizations such as Family Tree Maker,, etc. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.