Established in 1976 by Maureen Sowle, Rainbo's End began the exciting adventure into the world of training, showing and breeding with Shetland Sheep Dogs with the acquisition of the puppy who became Waldenwood Blueberry Patch CD.

In 1987 I acquired my first Schipperke, who later became Ch.Dream On's Rainbo Connection.

In these pages, I would like to share with you the dogs I have loved throughout the years and their accomplishments. Enter by using the index at the bottom of this page. We hope you enjoy your visit here with the Family of Rainbo's End.

Shelties in a row

From left to right: A little tiny piece of Cricket (Rainbo's That'll Be the Day, so named because I used to say "that'll be the day I have a "Brown" sheltie), Vicki, Merlin, Risky, Woolie, Rio, and a tiny piece of Shannon.

"My Other Pages"
Obedience Classes
Doggie IQ Test
Sheltie Guys
Sheltie Girls
Schipperke Guys
Schipperke Girls
Show Biz
Rainbo's Dream Spinner (The Undog)
Working Dogs
The Boss
Rainbo's End Training School
Schipperke AKC Breed Standard
Shetland Sheepdog AKC Breed Standard
My Favorite Links
My Awards!

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