
One of our many Texas friends, Dee has been a member of the 40's board since the 'old days'.

She's currently very busy in 'real-life', but still makes time in her busy schedule to stop by the board and catch up with things there.


40's Board Questionnaire

1. Your name :      Diane   

2. Your preferred NG name :    Dee   

3. Where you live :    Houston!

4. Age :              45

5. Occupation :      Many years as an Exec. Secretary; Medical transcription business; Office manager for hubby's business. Presently preparing to open our first Personal Care Home in April.

6. Family :    Zak and Marie

7. Interests :    Dancing, working out, computer, reading, animals, music.   

8. Description of your puter :    Pentium 32 mb; 5 gig

9. when did you first go on-line?    end of 1996   

10. What do you use your puter for?    mostly fun...looking up info; a form of relaxation

11. Pets?    You bet.. Siberian Husky...Tiger, and our 1yr, 9 mos. old Toy Poodle Tobin. if it were up to me, I'd have lots more, well maybe just another 2 or so <g>   

12. Education/where?    Business colleges in Albuquerque and Houston; about to enter into more required courses to obtain our state license for the P.C.H.

13. Favorites:

14. Who was the first person you met online..when/where/how?     Ronnee; WOL forum (I tink)

15. Which character attribute do you consider to be the most important?    Honesty first, second and last!

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not that we're counting or anything, but... . (Since 6-07-98) :)