Isabella's Page

40's Board Questionnaire


1. Your name :  Isabella

2. Your preferred NG name :  Isabella 

3. Where you live :  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

4. Other Places you've lived : Same

5. Favrite Place You've traveled too : Canada

6. Age :  54 

7. Occupation(s) past & present Retired/Disabled Medical Technologist 

8. Family : Smokey the Cat.....oh, and one brother and 2 sisters, all married.

9. Interests :  Reading, Watching good movies, Photograhy and making stationery.

10. Description of your puter :  133 MHZ, 128meg RAM, 13.3 Gig 800 x 600 Screen Res.

11. When did you first go on-line?  March, 1997

12. What do you use your puter for?  Fun, Fun, Fun

13. Pets?  Cat...Smokey the 14 pound wonder and a kitten coming next week, probably named Rusty. 

14. Education/where?  Pa.

15. Favorites:

16. Who was the first person you met online..when/where/how?  Ron, in a chat room I stumbled upon my first day on the net.

17. Which character attribute do you consider to be the most important?   Honesty

19. Ever been touched by greatness? Every single day of my life.

To see a sampling of Isabella's inspiring Stationery creations,
visit my 'Isabella's Stationery Page'.

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not that we're counting or anything, but... . (Since 05-07-99) :)

midi playing : Amigos para Siempre