Suze - aka HwyCruzer


One of my Cyber-Sisters and closest friends. It's not easy to choose what you want to say about someone so special in a couple of sentences. A very bright and compassionate lady, I'm extremely proud to be a link in Suze's Friendship chain. Suze is very, very special to me.


40's Survivors/Society Questionnaire

1. Your name : Suzanne

2. Your preferred NG name : Suze

3. Where you live : Atlanta, GA

4. Other places you have lived : New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Florida, South Carolina, Wisconsin, West Virginia

5. Favorite place you've traveled to: San Francisco bay area and the Champagne region.

6. Age: 53

7. Occupation(s) : Past & present? Management consultant  Did a variety of jobs including waitressing, office work, sales clerking, etc. as a starving student

8. Interests: Reading, putering, photography, travel

9. Description of your puter: ancient

10. when did you first go on-line? 1996

11. What do you use your puter for? Work and avoiding work.  *g*

12. Education/where? Lots   

13. Favorites:

  • food: steak  (actually, I'll eat anything someone else cooks *g*)
  • book:  Pride and Prejudice
  • movie:  have several I'd watch over and over including The African Queen and Fried Green Tomatoes.
  • tv show: The West Wing (best TV show since the first few seasons of LA Law)
  • site: Yours *g*
  • NewsGroup: ours
  • song:  Air on G (Bach)
  • sports: sprots?  I don't do sprots *g*
  • color: green or blue
  • person in history: Jefferson
  • vacation spot: have several... northern CA, Maine, I'd like to see more of Europe... I really wanna see "Mad Ludwig's" castles on the Rhine
  • place to live:  where I am is good

14. Who was the first person you met online..when/where/how? Her Bevness, then you playing our beloved Broken Line  

15. Which character attribute do you consider to be the most important?  Honesty is good especially if it's tempered with compassion  

16. Ever been touched by greatness? If so..tell us.  No, I'm just "touched" *g*  

17. Your own sites name and URL:  


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