Alice - The Scribe of the Tribe

Alice... truly the Scribe of the Tribe, and creator of our Chip's Plus Site. This web-site of mine wouldn't exist without the patient tutelage she's so generously given.

Alice's Chips score as of 6/19/98 : 5,969,77


Alice first met Chip when she received the Best of Windows EntertainmentPack as a gift from a friend.  Since then, she's had an on again, off again relationship with the little guy, occasionally leaving him for other games but always returning.  The depth of her affection for Chip can best be demonstrated by the fact that when she got her new computer, he was the first thing on it besides the preloaded software.

In real life, Alice is somewhere in the first half of her first century. She isn't married, but has been owned by a variety of dogs and horses overthe years. These creatures cannot,  however, be depended upon to provide a reliable ride to the airport, and are subject to displacement should the right driver come along.

Alice spends far too much time on her computer, and, to pay for the on lineservices, she grudgingly turns the machine off for 40 hours each week and turns on another one at an insurance company.  There, she does technical writing along with other things far to numerous and diverse to catalog here. Besides the writing that pays the bills, and in addition to playing Chip's, designing the web site and writing most of the content for it, Alice has spent quite a bit of time in msn's Writing Chat. 

The creative types there have apparently infected her, or at least influenced her, and she has actually produced a few poems and short fiction stories that have been well enough received to be published in an on-line literary magazine. Alice's fishofgold geocities id comes from an inside joke in Writing Chat, wherein she was (and still is) periodically turned into a goldfish by another of the chat regulars.  It has something to do with her refusing to learn how to swim, but that's another story. 

As a Charter Chipster, she is known as The Scribe of the Tribe for obvious reasons


Please know that Alice wrote the above little bio. I would have been far more complimentary!

Alice has two web sites out here in Cyberspace.

She is of course the creator of the fantastic Chip's Plus site Chips Plus Site which has had close to 30,000 visitors since it's inception in April 1997. Are we Chipster's proud of that fact? You bet cha!!

In addition to that labor of love, Alice also has a more personal page where you can read some of her prose and poetry. The Charter Chipsters are really very proud of Alice!

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