Welcome to my "Tree House" !!

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Knapp Family
Russell Family
Conrad Family

Civil War

Guest Book (Please sign)

After Thoughts (poems, facts, humor) 
Lapole Family
My Favorite Links to Other Sites

Petry Family

Holley Family

Hill Family

"From the New England States pushing westward through forests and across the Appalachians, by ox team, down river on log rafts or whatever means available, They paused along the western border of what is now West Virginia  - with ax and resolution, they hewed the forest down and with the timber, built cabins and barns--in the clearings, they planted their seeds-- with the gun they protected their interests and supplied food for their families. THEY TOOK ROOTS --AND THEY SURVIVED! 
The past rises before us as a dream  -- to these Ancestors, of whom we are so proud, these pages are respectively dedicated."
(excerpts from writings of Carl E. Hill, passed on to me by a "cousin" Brian Harrington)

Betty has passed  early this year and i will be trying to keep up this site ,i have all the info she had and will try my best to find every one i can . so help me out ane we can all find new people ,.my e mail address is .drop me a line any time at all

Buck Bowman Boyd Bryant Conard(Conrad) Cremeans
Dietz Heck Henson Hill Holley King
Knapp Lapole Lewis Meador Parsons Petry
Russell Smith Tidd Warner

This Almost Heaven Webring site is owned by
Betty Petrie
, webmaster of:
My Family Tree Has Roots in West Virginia
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Last April 12, 2004

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