God is good

Keir Tayler's bush crusades draw crowds of up to 9 000 people

Keir Tayler is in the business of changing lives

If you go into the African bush with evangelist Keir Taylor, it could change your life for ever.Full story


Cecilia is a child who takes as much as is possible from life. Fortunately she was given the chance. About Cecilia

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Jesus Christ is inviting all of us to come to Him. "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light," he says. When Jesus called the first disciples to follow him, the bible tells us they "at once left their nets and followed him". There was no hesitation.
Jesus is calling us today.
Why do so many of us hestitate?

Corky's Adventure Page.

Corky the clown has a ministry to children - and adults too.
Turn to Corky's adventure page.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

We are sometimes fed negative information and opinions that shape our thinking about ourselves, God and other vital issues of life. Did you know that you are 'one-of-a-kind',never to be duplicated and very special?