Belinda's Cancer Journey



Natural Therapy

The main reason I chose to work with natural therapy is this: I see cancer as mainly an immune system problem. When the immune system becomes weak, it gets to a point where it can’t fight cancerous cells any more. When this happens, the body becomes loaded with toxins and debris and things begin to malfunction.

Dr. Max Gerson taught that cancer is a disease of malnutrition and toxins. Even though I was 50 pounds overweight, I was very malnourished. I could take in a lot of food and nutrients, but they were never reaching cellular level. Chemo and radiation therapy are toxic substances that destroy bad and good cells and most of the immune system. Natural therapy rebuilds the immune system through intense nutrition and intense detoxification. I liked this approach and was encouraged by most of the research I was doing.

NOW, I NEED TO SAY that there are people who die everyday from trying natural therapy, and there are people that have been cured. There are also people dying from chemo treatments and people living with them. This is not a war of "who is right". It is "what method, if any, is right for ME!". This is a major war to be fought, but the individual with cancer should be able to decide which approach they want to embrace, if they feel up to it.

I have seen three major areas in which I was blind and therefore opened opening my body to cancer.

1. Nutrition and eating habits. I LOVE food. I wanted to eat what I liked whenever I wanted it.

2. Chemicals. I was not really aware of how much I was poisoning my body. We have used a lot of chemicals in gardening, cleaning and around the house without discretion. I now use non toxic products on me and in and around our house.

3. Mental stress. I am finding out how so many cancer patients are not happy people, or we are people who do not handle relationships well.

I am fighting this disease on all three levels. I am very pleased with how my body is responding. The intense changes in diet are limiting, but I still eat very good meals. I have no idea whether I will be here next year or in 30 years - only God knows that. But, I do know that I am moving into a whole new level of being alive here on this earth-----AND THAT IS GOOD!


Here are some of the best books I have found on nutritional therapy:

Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS with Noreen Quillin

Options The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book by Richard Walters


We have tried many supplements and are refining this. When we find something that is really good, we will add it here.

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