This Page Is About Me
A Short Statistics List

Name: Johanna
Age: 24
Birthdate: June 1st :P
Job: I work at Whole Foods in Cheshire, CT. In October of 2007, I will have worked there for two years. Isn't that crazy? I havent updated this page in about two years, so I figured it was time. I have met a fantastic man and we've almost been together a year. Carmen is the best thing that has ever happened to me! We live together in Manchester, for right now. We are planning on moving into a smaller place to save money for a house. We have a fat kitty named Snapple, and are very happy!
Favorite Activities: When I'm not working, I like to go out with my friends, surf the internet, and shop! That hasn't changed, although I much more enjoy going to new places with Carmen. He always comes up with awesome new ideas.
Favorite Music: I listen to classic rock, mainstream, and alternative.
Favorite TV Shows: The Nanny, Golden Girls, Gilmore Girls, and Burn Notice

This is a picture of my dog, Rebel.

Yeah, my dog in a blanket!

Here is a picture of my school band (1997) Not too bad, huh?
This was at the Apple Harvest Parade (We won best marching band for the 6th year in a row)

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This page was last updated on Sunday, August 26, 2007.