You are listening to "Mingulay Boat Song",(Solo Piper)





Here is a poem along Celtic lines I have done. It is based on a dream of the Celtic Otherworld, an island of apples generally known as Avalon, but herein equated with a specifically MacGregor locus that might be considered a portal of entry to it and probably was by the generaions of MacGregors buried there. We of our clan in a poetic way might be considered the apples of Inch Cailleach.

One last comment: it should be read in the more ancient sing-song, eerie oratory style, even in one's mind.


The Apples of Inch Cailleach


There are Souls on the trees,

Souls on the trees of apple bloom and apple fruit,

growing ripe til weighted down the Path of Apples,

down the Path of Apples where destinies are born.

Children falling through birth canals eyes opening to

what strange wonders along the Path of Apples,

along the Path of Apples where destinies are born.

J. K. Gregg

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