As you can probably already know I love the Movie "Gone With the Wind!"
It is my favorite movie of all times.
Which stars Vivian Leigh(Katie Scarlett O'Hara) and Clark Gable(Rhett Butler).
It is a wonderful movie about the Civil War and has romance mixed in it.

There has never been and never will be another movie like "Gone With The Wind"!
It is the best of the best!

I have heard alot about "Titanic" and yes, I saw it too!
I even bought the video.
It was something special.

But, I don't think it will ever touch me like "Gone with the Wind" did the first time I saw it.
I was only about 10 years old at the time.
My Grandmother, was watching it and I was spending the night.
So I watched too, and in seconds, I fell in Love with the Greatest Movie of all time!

The next night, I finished it all on my own.
Now it has to be something special to hold a 10 year old's attention that long :-)!

I have watched it a few times since,
and each time I find I love it even more.
In fact, I now have it on video, but no-one,
Not even my Mom touches that video!
If she did her life might be in grave danger!;-)

This past year, I have started a "Gone With The Wind" collection.
So for my 16th Birthday, one of my aunts got me "Tara"!
That had to be the best present I got.
Except, for my car, that is!
All teenagers must have "wheels"!

I rewatch "GWTW" ever chance I get.
I have cryed with Scarlett one minute.
And wanted to kill her the next.

The one part that really gets to me is.
Why in this world does Scarlett have to have Ashley?
When Rhett is what ever girl's dreams are made of!!!
And why does it take her so long to see that??

Oh Well, that's what makes the movie work!
And work it does!
If you've never watched it or just watched it in parts.
You have missed out on one of The Best Hollywood has to Offer!

Visit all my pages on this site,
And take a "little stroll" with me!
You won't be sorry you did!

Gable and Leigh!
This was one of thier best scenes!

To see pictures of some of the movie scenes.
Click on the next button below!
While you are there, click on the pictures to hear some great wav files!

So I've got some trivia questions from the Movie..
if you think you know them e-mail me with your answers
and I'll e-mail you and tell you whether your right or not....
Then let's go!!


1.Why was HoneyWilkes called "Honey"???

2.After Rhett and Scarlett's marriage, what role did India play by moving in with Aunt Pitty??

3.What color was Frank Kennedy's beard???

4.What was Carreen O'Hara's real name???

5.Which Clayton County plantation owner married a Yankee???

6.How long was Tara built to last??

7.Which room at Tara was Scarlett's favorite?? 9.What did the O'Hara's grow on their plantation?

10.What was the first name givin at Atlanta?

11.According to Rhett Butler, how did Southerners feel about a losing cause?

12.According to Ellen O'Hara, where could most of America's "gentle blood" be found?

13.Where did the troops meet twice a week??

14.Describe the engagement ring Rhett gave Scarlett..

15.What was Scarlett's costume for Atlanta's January 1874 masked ball??

16.How old was Scarlett when she first visited Charleston?

17.Did Scarlett take milk or lemon in her tea?

18.Who taught Scarlett how to dance the Irish reel?

19.Who was Scarlett's maid at the O'Hara home in Savannah?

20.What was Rhett's costume for Atlanta's January 1874 masked ball??

There will be updates on these questions...keep checking back for more trivia and facts....

Email me!

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