The Chicken
By Eric Daum

Dedicated to the one I love!!

Once there was a chicken who lived in the Arizona desert. The chicken's favorite pastime was exploring new places. One day he decided to find out what was on the other side of the road from where he lived. He carefully approached the road, looked both ways twice and then gingerly put his foot on the road. As soon as his foot safely touched the road he ran as fast as he could to the other side of the road. Once he was on the other side of the road he looked around and found that it looked exactly like the side of the road, which he had just left. He decided to go back to the other side. He was not as careful about crossing the road on the way back and as a result he got hit by a truck which took him all the way to Anchorage Alaska before he could get loose.

After arriving in Anchorage the chicken decided to get a job to pay for a bus ticket home. He got a job washing dishes at a local restaurant. One day the chicken was sitting in his living room in Anchorage and saw a moose walking through the back yard. The chicken grabbed his rifle and rushed out to shoot the moose hoping to sell the meat and use the money to buy his ticket home. Unfortunately for the chicken as the gun was aimed, the moose turned and stood up on his hind legs, grabbed the guns barrel and bashed the chicken on the ground three times with it. The moose then bent the rifle in half, threw it in the brush, said," Don't do that!" and went merrily on his way. The chicken then rushed to the nearest road and leaped in front of the first truck he saw. He was hoping it would take him home; it did not. The truck took him to Mazatlan.

Upon his arrival the chicken shook his head, and got a job washing dishes at a nearby Cantina. The chicken decided to stay in Mexico because he liked hanging out with the senoritas. Every thing seemed to be going good for the chicken until one day one of the senoritas took him to he home and had him for dinner.

The End!!

© 2001 Eric Daum