First Baptist Church of Pleasant Grove

Weekday Education Ministry

    First Baptist Church believes in ministering to the total person.  It therefore feels the need to provide a high quality education both spiritually and academically to the children of the Pleasant Grove community.

    The primary objective and purpose of the school is to provide a sound academic education, integrated with a Christian view of God and the world.   Children should be educated at home and at school with the consciousness that all truth is God's truth, including history, geography, science, music, and the arts; and that Jesus Christ is central in all learning and living.

    The primary reason for our existence is to offer a Christian foundation upon which the minds of children are developed.  Our goal is to be Christ centered first and people centered second.

    Daycare, kindergarten, and grades 1-6 are offered.   Your investment in your child's Christian education will pay eternal dividends!

    To give you a general idea of the schedule of our weekday education program, we have listed for you the times each one begins and ends.

            Daycare:             7:00 AM - 6:00 PM         Five days a week.

            Kindergarten:      8:15 AM - 11:15 AM     Morning sessions five days a week.

            School:               8:00 AM - 2:00 PM        First and second grades only.

                                      8:00 AM - 3:00 PM       Third through Sixth grades.

    Monday the children are dismissed at 2:30 PM so that the staff and teachers can meet.

       Should you have any additional questions concerning our week-day education program, please feel free to call us at 744-0119 or e-mail our Director of Weekday Education, Marie Holder.

Click here for information on our Home Education program.