I am from Wyoming,
I entered Yellowstone gradeschool in Rock Springs in 1945
Went to junior high and highschool there 'till 1954.

When I left home I went to Las Vegas,NV
where I got my first real job.
I worked as a long distance telephone operator there.
That was before direct dialing became available.

Was never lucky enough to win a dime
but met a lot of service people stationed at
Nellis Air Force Base and Indian Springs Air Force Base.

That summer there was a big party at Indian Springs
so my friends and I drove up there.
There was a horse show and barrel racing and a dance afterwards.

I was riding a horse with a friend and for some
reason or other that horse reared up and I fell off
and he promptly came down on my leg.
Needless to say I missed the dance.

I have never been so sick from pain in my life.
I love horses but to this day I will not get on one.
And that, dear friends, ended any hopes of my becoming a cowgirl.

Who I Am Chapter1 Chapter2
Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5
Chapter6 My Family My Children
Grandchildren Ten Angels Heaven's Store
In My Life My Awards Tribute To
Ann Landers
Holy Night My Photo Album Invisible God
Why I Love HER Kit for everyday Living Twas The Night Before Christmas
Do It Anyway Stand Up In Loving Memory
WYO A Real Friend 4 FRIENDS
My Bulldog My Dream Vacation It Is No Secret
A Letter
From Jesus
Hawaii Photos Note from GOD
Pictures MyAura God's Love
Princess Diana 23rd PSLAMS INTERPRITATION Tornado Slide Show
Donna's Memorial Las Vegas-Live Cam LOVE
Majestic Mts. Slide Show Great Slide Shows He Touched Me
United We Stand Angel Andrew Attack on America Slideshow
WTC Prayers
My Birthday 2001 My Birthday 2002
Song From
Ron & Ann
God's Waterfalls Poem From Ann Bonnie's Memorial
Cath's Memorial Email Prayer Mary, Did You Know?
And So This Is Christmas? Christmas wav 2002
from Ron & Ann
In Memory of Columbia Space Shuttle
"Why" My Birthday Card 2003 Parents Memorials
God's Alphabet Light Of Friendship Oath Of Friendship
Walking On Water My Birthday 2004 Margie's Haven