Welcome to my Guestbook! Feel Free to Check It Out!! =)

07/05/00 21:17:54

04/24/00 06:59:53
Name: Jeanette My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobby: genealogy
Fave Author: Peter Blatty Fave Vacation Spot: New Orleans, LA

Beautiful web page. Looking forward to your genealogy page. Jeanette (P.S. thanks for signing my guest book)

12/30/99 04:33:19
Name: Stacy Meadows My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Hobby: nothing really Fave Vacation Spot: I dunno Fave Birthday Present Ever Received: Money
Fave Memory as A Child: LOTS TO REMEMBER!!!

I love your site Bobbi*

10/31/99 20:54:51
Name: Eric Lewis Tumey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Hobby: Writing (poetry), drawing, reading, music, theatre, acting, etc. Fave Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald Fave Vacation Spot: Puerto Villarta, Mexico
Fave Birthday Present Ever Received: They were all great, but the greatest is just have those I love around me! Fave Memory as A Child: My 13th birthday. My best friend gave a long speech about our friendship and then mashed a piece of cake into my face!

I love your site, mom! Very beautifully arranged and put together! I wish I had the time to work on my own...

10/12/99 02:06:13
Name: Kammi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Hobby: gardening, horses Fave Author: Anne Rice Fave Vacation Spot: Mexico
Fave Birthday Present Ever Received: too many to list Fave Memory as A Child: playing tag at papa's


10/10/99 18:20:49
Name: Ann Lucas My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Fave Vacation Spot: Mexico
Fave Birthday Present Ever Received: Money


10/10/99 05:36:52
Name: Lora My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobby: genealogy

BJ, What a wonderful site! Thanks for sharing it with your cous. Talk soon! Lora

10/10/99 05:21:38
Name: *brandi holt* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobby: ummm dancin
Fave Memory as A Child: what are you talkin about i'm still a child!! hehe

bobbi- i love ya!~

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