umalis ka dyan bulate!

eto sayo..ummm*@&*@#!!



Dogs are susceptible to various intestinal parasites (read: bulate sa tyan...yak...). In the Philippines, the more common parasites are hookworms, ascarids (roundworms), whipworms, and tapeworms. These cause problems and diseases in dogs, and some affect humans also (better have your stools checked...bWawHAWHAWha!!!)

For these, regular check-ups of their stool is recommended. This can be done as often as monthly if thedog has been positive, or every three to six months if the dog is negative.

Heartworm (...duh..hende, wala tayo noon...) is also common in our country because this parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes. Prevention is by regular administration of preventive medications, or by regular check-ups (at least twice a year) and treatments if found positive.



(In human language.. oo, tama, yan nga, i-cliclick mo ako)