This candle burns in memory of my loving father who departed to meet with the Lord on September 20, 1997... Dad I will always love you and never forget you. You will always been in our hearts!!! I miss you so much....

A Thought For My Friends..

United By Love

"The Cortes-Laboy Family"

God created woman because he knew a family would be nothing without the love and compassion of a woman, so meet me, Nilda

Then, God said, well the woman needs someone to help with the kids and household chores and make a living. So he created man. And this is my MAN
SFC Cortes, Jose

Then, God said, this couple needs to be joined till death, so we received the Santity of Marriage on June 25, 1999.

is so GEORGEOUS that they should have children, so he gave us these...

Our handsome son Ramon aka "Pito"
Any girl interested in my son, he's single and available, email me for details :-)

and then came our GEORGEOUS daughter... Janae
Guys - Janae is 22, Single and Available - you can Email her at

Of course when God sees such a BEAUTIFUL and LOVING family, He realizes that they should be BLESSED with an Angel, so here comes the Angel of our lives...


Jesus said "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of God

This is the day Anthonie was presented to the Lord

And of course, let's not forget our dog "Kori" named after Jose's Korean tour :-)

Below you will see more pictures of our family and more will be added ocassionally

For those of you wondering who gave us our beautiful Angel... the following picture gives you a clue

Here's is Anthonie with Great-Grandma (my mom) and of course his loving LELA (me)... Now I am sure you can see the resemblance; doesn't he look just like me?

Here is another photo of my son and I

Here is Proud Lela with her Angel

Last But Not Least - I Couldn't Leave Out My Georgeous Great-Great Nephew Justin Michael!!!

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Words of Comfort and Strength
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