Welcome to my Page

         Hi My name is Kendall Jacklyn Knapp. I am in the Seventh grade at Kenlor Academy. Kenlor Academy is actually my own home. I am home schooled and I love every minute of it. On a normal day I don't get up until after 9:00 a.m. I don't usually start school until 11:00. This will be my 2nd year home schooling, I went to public school all the way through Elementary school.

I am an animal lover. In fact you might call my house a zoo! Here is a list of all the loved pets in my life.......  

2 Cats: Both are girls they are so sweet. Their names are Punkkin and Missi

2 hamsters: A girl Anna and a guy Warren. Sometimes their are more then 2.

I also have I ton of Fish. Too many to count!  


Some of the things I do in my spare time is too listen to music. Not the Macarena, only Christian Music. I also love to read and write!! The one and only sport I like to play is Soccer. This year my Dad is coaching. ( He is a great coach!)


 Then there's My family

My Father: Jack Knapp 6/10/57

My Mother: Mary Knapp 1/27/58

Me the sister: Kendall Knapp 11/4/85

My Brother: Taylor Knapp 8/17/88

Thank you for stopping by!!!  

  If you have comments or suggestions, email me at knappj@yahoo.com          Updated August 12, 1998 You are visitor  to my site

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