First of all, I want to say that I was trying very hard to have a successful VBAC throughout this pregnancy. I exercised and tried to watch what I ate . . . Still, Michelle turned out to be a BIG BABY!!! Here is the story . . .
My due date was March 6, and that day came and went. I went to the doctor's office on March 5, and he said that if I had not gone into labor by Monday, March 8, then we will induce labor that day. Silly me, my husband and I both thought that that we would get induced and have the baby by the end of the next day!! Ha! We went to the doctor's office on Monday to check on progress and then onto the hospital to be induced.
March 8 (Monday) . . Arrive at hospital around noon. Get admitted into triage around 1:20 p.m. Receive first dose of drug to induce labor. This starts the process of getting my cervix ripe for labor and delivery.
March 9 (Tuesday) . . Contractions are regular, but not painful at all. I am getting bored sitting in this labor room and watching limited shows/channels on television. My cervix is slowly making progress. I have finally started to efface. Only 1-2 cm dialated.
March 10 (Wednesday) . . I am feeling the contractions alot more, but not really as painful as I remember from my other labor. I am finally given pitocin to start my contractions to be more regular and stronger. I end up getting a very high dose of pitocin and then some . . . I ask for Stadol at night so that I can get some rest. Sometime around 4 a.m., I wake up with the urge to throw up. I had my husband grab the nearest garbage can which I barely missed! In the process of "praying" to the garbage can, I managed to break my waters with the force of vomitting. I did not know it until the nurses checked my bed pad. I was checked internally, and found that I was 90% effaced and 6 cm!! Boy, was I happy to know that some progress was being made!
March 11 (Thursday) . . The pain is terrible, and I finally break down and ask for an epidural. That lasted for a very short time. Throughout the day, I received several doses of epidural. At one point, the anisthesiologists pumped so much different drugs in me to just get me numb that I was TOTALLY NUMB from the waist down. I was so tired of sitting in that bed, and I sure was missing FOOD!!! At 9 a.m., I was still at the same effacement and dialation. At 6 p.m., the pain in my lower back and pelvis was too overbearing. I could tell by then that the baby was way too big to fit in my pelvis. We knew from several ultrasounds in the last two months that I had a big baby. There had been some concern about the head size. The reason why we were trying for so long to go naturally was that I wanted to experience a vaginal birth. My first pregnancy ended in an unexpected c-section, so I wanted to try again this time . . .At 6 p.m., there has been NO PROGRESSION since last check. My body has stalled at the same point again, and it will not go any further. I want to pass out from this extreme pain in my pelvis . .
Michelle is born!! . . March 11, 1999 . . second c-section . . 7:34 p.m., weighing 9 pounds! Twenty-one inches long!!

Michelle Lee Brianna

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Cheryl M
Last Modified on
April 24, 2000