Syracuse, New York

Our goal at Nurturing World Child Care Center is to provide a safe,warm, nurturing environment for your child. We recognize that our primary obligation is to meet the individual needs of each child and the major responsibility of raising children rests with the parents. Our staff strives to enhance this relationship, and supplement parents' involvement by providing developmental, creative and non-sexist care. In total, the program we provide will promote the intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and language development of your child.
We take pride in offering a developmentally age appropriate curriculum. We serve a diverse, multicultural population at Nurturing World. One aspect that makes us a high quality program is our very low staff turnover rate. More than half of our teachers have been employed with us for five years or more.
We are licensed by the state of New York to serve 42 children. We offer part time as well as full time child care. As part of our "Open door policy," parents are welcome to call or visit at any time.
Because we are housed on the New York State Campus of Hutchings Psychiatric Center, we grant priority to New York State employees' children and grandchildren.  We are one of only a few Centers that offer a sliding fee scale; New York State employees at the top two tiers of our fee scale are entitled to a $5.00 per week discount.
We are a not-for-profit agency governed by a Board of Directors. The board consists of nurses, early childhood professionals, a nutritionist, and community leaders. Parents are encouraged to sit on the Board as well.
Nurturing World Child Care Center consists of three classrooms: infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. The activities and programs vary with the age groups. Children are encouraged to explore a variety of interesting materials in a creative environment well equipped with toys, books and child-sized equipment. Nurturing World has a fenced - in playground and access to a gym. Nutritious breakfasts, hot lunches, and afternoon snacks are provided to toddlers and pre-schoolers. Parents are responsible for providing food for infants.

Nurturing World is conveniently located to SUNY Health Science Center, Crouse Hospital, Hutchings, Syracuse University and Downtown. Parking is available at meters located on the south side of E. Genesee Street. Once enrolled, a pick-up/drop-off pass may be obtained from the Director. This pass can be used with vehicle flashers on both Cedar and East Genesee Streets.

For more information or to have an application packet mailed to you, please contact us at this email link --  We encourage you to make an appointment and stop in to see us in person. We believe you'll like what you see.
Nurturing World Child Care Center
800 East Genesee Street
Syracuse, New York 13210

...because they are children and for no other reason they have dignity and worth simply because they are ...
Authour Uknown

This page  Copyright Nurturing World 1999