Tracy's Pet Page!!>

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<bgsound src="midi/rockinro.mid" loop=infinite>

My name is bobby. I was named that because, whenever i'm about to do something i know i shouldn't, i start to bob my head.

I love to take baths. I think it's fun to splash water on everything. I also like to drop a feather in the water and then lick the water off.

I like to find different things to sit on. As you can see i liked sitting on our gate. We like to climb up and down it. It's so much fun.

This is me eating. I love to eat. And as you can see, i've lost my tail feathers. But that's okay they grew back.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest birdie of them all?

See that little yellow dot in the middle of all the pink, that's me. I like to sit on top of my mommie's window.

I love to sit on my mommie's finger and shoulder. I love to play with her hair.

This is our tinker toy bridge. It has a lot of toys to play with.

I love to look out the window. I also like to sit on the window seal and talk to the outside birdies.

Hi, my named is Bindi. My mommie loves to watch Animal Planet's Crocodile Hunter. So i was named after Steve and Terri Irwin's daughter.

This is me on the floor. My wings have been clipped and i can't fly yet. But i know how to walk my way home.

I'm not to sure about sitting on mommie's finger yet.

I'm just sitting around. Looking pretty for the camera.

I love playing on our tinker toy bridge. It's so much fun.

Here we are, just sittin on our cage. Watchin' you, watchin' us.

We love to sit and talk to the outside birdies. We can sit on the window for hours and hours.

Just taking a break from the fun, and sitting on our tinker toys....

More Sittin'.

Time for a close-up. Please come visit us again. I'm sure mommie will be taking a lot more pictures.

Visitors have been welcomed to my home since August 10, 1998.

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