(Negatiw x Lagodna)



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That *Naborr's true-life story is more fascinating than fiction?

That *Naborr (born Nabor) was bred by the Tersk Stud in Russia and born on April 13, 1950?

That *Naborr was Reserve National Champion at the All-Union Agricultural Fair in Moscow (an all-breed event) in 1954, second only to his sire, Negatiw, who was Champion?

That *Naborr was sold to Poland in 1955 and became Chief Sire of the Michalow State Stud, siring 61 offspring?

That American breeder Anne McCormick of Scottsdale, Arizona, was determined to buy *Naborr from Poland even though he was not for sale?

That *Naborr crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1963 on the same ship with *Bask++ and 13 other precious Polish Arabians on a 44-day voyage of violent storms at sea?

That *Naborr set a world record in 1969, when he was sold for $150,000 at age 19 to Tom Chauncey at the McCormick Dispersal Auction?

That *Naborr did not stand at public stud in the United States until he was 19 years old?


That *Naborr sired 365 foals in the United States, with more than 125 sons and daughters amassing well over 1,200 Championships, Reserve Championships, Top Tens, and Top Fives?



That Wayne Newton co-owned *Naborr with Tom Chauncey for two years and took him to the 1970 U.S. Nationals in Oklahoma City, where *Naborr was presented as one of the ten Living Legend Stallions?


That the *Naborr son *Aramus was Wayne Newton's lifetime horse and, upon his untimely death in 1976, the ranch was renamed Wayne Newton's Aramus Arabians?



That Professor Oleg Balakshin, Head of the Horse Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in Russia, visited *Naborr at Tom Chauncey Arabians in 1976 when he was 26 years old and had not seen him since 1955 when he left Russia?

That Professor Balakshin, still in Russia, has volunteered to write an article about *Naborr for this website?

That *Naborr died on November 9, 1977, but that he will be forever remembered?


That you can learn much more about the life of *Naborr and his influence on the Arabian breed by viewing this entire website? Just continue to the bottom of this page.


That in October of 1978, Tom Chauncey said, "*Naborr will be greater a hundred years from now than he is today. Those bloodlines are going to be there."




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This Page Started 6/17/98. Last Updated 3/15/99.