


This website is being constructed to provide historical information about the legendary Arabian stallion *Naborr; to attempt to locate his living sons and daughters; and to enable anyone interested in this great horse to communicate with other like-minded people.

We hope to provide stories from past and present owners of *Naborr offspring and include farm information from those who continue to breed on this bloodline. There are no membership fees and no requirements other than interest in establishing a network of and for *Naborr lovers.

A Newsletter was begun in the spring of 1998 by Deb, owner of a living *Naborr son, who very painstakingly looked through Registry records and contacted all recorded owners of *Naborr sons and daughters born as far back as the1960's. Her initial mailing encompassed some 250 people, about 50 of whom contacted her to acknowledge their interest. Hundreds more have responded since this website was begun.

Deb will continue to publish the Newsletter on a quarterly basis and mail it to anyone requesting it. To receive the FREE Newsletter, please contact Deb at the following address, including your name, address, e-mail address, and telephone:

Deb Apker
Tumbling ND Ranch
6101 East Cactus Wren Road
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Telephone: 602-922-0961
Fax: 602-483-0824

And I am Ruth, the fortunate owner of a living *Naborr son and daughter, the last owner of two other daughters who have since died, plus many linebred *Naborr horses. I am one of the greatest fans of the bloodline, might own the most concentrated *Naborr herd left in the United States, have a passion for computers and website design, and have, accordingly, taken on the job of Webmaster of this site.

There are no rules here, no one in command, and no fees involved. We welcome all input and suggestions from all of you out there to pay tribute to one world-class sire of international significance: the late, great



Owners of First Generation
*Naborr Sons and Daughters...

The Arabian Horse Registry of America records indicate that there are hundreds of *Naborr offspring still alive. However, despite the longevity of the *Naborr line, given the advanced years of some of the horses noted, it is doubtful that all are still in earthly pastures.

It is more likely that the records have not been updated by the last owner of record.

Those of you who own first generation get possess a rare treasure; the closest link possible to the horse known as a "Sire of International Significance." While there have been thousands of grandget produced by *Naborr sons and daughters, the opportunity to seize the last chance for a fresh foal crop capable of reintroducing the abilities and beauty of *Naborr to the competitive Arabian horse world is rapidly fading, given the advancing years of the remaining sons and daughters.

If you own a direct son or daughter of *Naborr, please contact Ruth to get your horse included on this website!



To Reintroduce This
Remarkable Line to the Arabian Horse World?

Confirm your interest in joining a network of other horse enthusiasts interested in preserving the *Naborr line.



Take advantage of the opportunity to communicate with other owners and interested parties via the Newsletter and this website. We will soon be posting a FREE Membership Directory. If you want to be listed, please e-mail Ruth with your full name, address, telephone (optional), e-mail address, and URL (if applicable), plus a brief explanation of your interest in *Naborr.




NEWS FLASH! The Winter edition of the Newsletter will be mailed soon. If you want to receive one, please contact Deb, including your mailing address. If you have already notified her and have included your address, you need not respond again. But if you have received the Newsletter in the past and NOT confirmed your interest in remaining on the list, you DO NEED to respond.




We plan to offer an individual page within this website for each *Naborr son and daughter, dead or alive, whose owner would like to tell the story about his or her great horse. To participate, please contact Ruth. Your page is free, can be as long as you want, and may include up to six photos of anything you wish pertaining to your horse. I'll even scan the photos for you. Tell your story your way!

Many pages will be added soon, including a Fan Mail Page, and a Message Board has just been added. If you own *Naborr-related get, this will be your chance to rave about them! Please submit your Fan Mail to both Deb (for the Newsletter) and Ruth (for the website).

The *Naborr Preservation Breeders Network is featured in the July 1998 issue of Arabian Horse World Magazine in the Preservationist Breeders article.

NEWS FLASH! The *Naborr Preservation Breeders will have a full-page ad in the February 1999 issue of Arabian Horse World Magazine to let the world know about our existence, this website, and *Naborr sons currently standing at stud. This is the Scottsdale Show issue, so don't miss it!

NEWS FLASH! For those who plan to attend the Scottsdale All-Arabian Show in February 1999, there will be an informal get-together of admirers of the *Naborr line. Please contact Deb for information.

We will post other information about upcoming media coverage here when applicable.

We wish to make it clear that the "network" does not belong to anyone but is simply being facilitated by those who believe that these *Naborr-bred horses represent the Arabian at its best--from war horses to show horses to pleasure horses to backyard companions.

Please note that this is a noncommercial website. Therefore, we cannot accept classified ads on horses for sale or at stud. Those items should be submitted to the Newsletter.








Send E-Mail by Clicking Above

We would love to hear from you!
We welcome your comments and suggestions
for this website.


Please note: The buttons in this website were made by the Webmaster from actual photographs of *Naborr and are for use only within this site. They are not to be downloaded for use in any other website or in any collection of graphics.

Website Design by Kalara
Copyright © naborr.com 1998-1999
All rights reserved.



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This Page Started 6/17/98. Last Updated 1/8/99.