Sokira Rhodesian Ridgebacks

Our History with Ridgebacks

My husband, Emmet, is in the United States Air Force and was assigned to an exchange position with the Royal Australian Air Force in Canberra, Australia. Once we found a place to live all the family went their way - work, school - and left me by my lonesome! So....I went looking for a companion and found Rosemary Green of Chilolo Kennels, who placed our Tazzie with us.

Here's a picture of Tazzie as a youngster, who grew up to become Aust. Ch Chilolo Matilda Downunda JC, CGC.

When there were shows in town, Rosemary ( Tazzie's breeder) would come and stay with us, bringing several dogs in tow. When all the dogs would leave, Tazzie would sulk and pout for days.....she needed a friend! Enter Terra, aka: Am. Fld Ch (ASFA) Arefen Terra Australis SC.

Isn't she cute in her basket? Meanwhile, I had started showing Taz, because she was old enough and I finally got brave enough! Remember, I got my first show dog without ever having been to a dog show!

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are like potato can't have just one! We were having so much fun, that we started looking for a male RR to add to our growing family. But, as luck would have it, in the course of looking, we fell in love with another puppy bitch!:-D This was becoming quite the family joke!

Our newest addition became Kali, aka: Kargnieulan Kira Ankali. Not long after Kali joined our family we got our orders to return home to the US. So...we packed up and headed for Florida!


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