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Dana Volunteer Fire Department

Dana, Illinois

Hi! My name is Pat Lynch. My father, Cecil Vance, was the Fire Chief of the Dana Volunteer Fire Department in Dana, Illinois for many years. He has retired from chief to be on the Board of Trustees for the fire department now. The fire department is still a big part of our lives. The Dana Volunteer Fire Department was established in 1954. It consists of 20 members who gladly give up their time to help someone in need.

As most people would say, "Where is Dana, Illinois?" Well, Dana is a small farming community in LaSalle County right in the central part of Illinois. It is 50 miles NE of Peoria and 150 miles SW of Chicago. It is also 30 miles south of LaSalle/Peru and 35 miles north of Bloomington. Dana is a community of approximately 150-200 people.

Some of the firefighters are also storm watchers for the area!

The following are members of The Dana Volunteer Fire Department:

The Dana Fire Department holds an Annual All You Can Eat Pancake & Sausage Breakfast every year on the first Sunday of March. This is the only fund raiser the department has and they do very well. In the year 2000 they raised enough money to buy a defiberlater for the first responder's use. If you like to eat...come join them for a real good time and meet some friends you haven't met yet.

The Dana Fire Department also likes to have it's fun. Water fights are a good time in the summer.

Dana is a small town but does have a few businesses. They include Wheeler Grain, Bradbury's Construction, Klendworth Backhoe Service, Rick's Garage, Gold Dust Diner and Smitty's 'n Two Bar and Grill.

My 3 1/2 year old grandson "Jacob".

Trying to be like PaPa and Great-Papa!

Another Page about Dana Fire Department
Dana, Illinois
A Link to a Lot of Great Firemen Poems
A Firemans Prayer
A Firemans Last Prayer

Accessories For the Firemen

The West Virginia State Fire Marshal's Office

This page is about:
The Dana Volunteer Fire Department - At Work & At Play

E-mail us if you just want to talk!
Please come back soon and check us out! Since we are under contruction, there will be many changes being made.

Please sign my guest book and let me know what you think!

View my guestbook


All jpeg images on this page were taken by me with my digital camera or scanned from my origianl photographs and cropped for this page. The Dana Fire Department's patch was created by my husband and myself on my computer. After it was made into an actual patch, I scanned it for my web pages. If you would like to use them, all I would like is that you ask.

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This page was last updated 06/11/05 and is owned and updated by Jake, Justin, Jordan and Drake's Nana.

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