Etta's Piggies and Canaries


Welcome to my Piggies & Canaries site!

Take your time when you access to every little critters' domain...

Feel free to BOOKMARK this page for I welcome your check back anytime! =) I treasure all your visits and please don't forget to sign my GuestBook. ThaNks! =)


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BabyChestnutSesameMei Tau

Piggies are cuteee...!

Queak Queak~ visit piggies!


Canaries are Etta's Canaries also cute!

The main page of my Canaries.



Fishes are...!

My little aquarium Fishie Aquarium and amazing story!



My Jenny doll Jenny dolls page

Sign My GuestBook  Please sign my GuestbookView My GuestBook

I've 2 guestbooks, feel free to drop in either one, you're welcome!  =)

View and Sign my smart Guestbook

Any suggestions?

Background music: Little Star     visitors since 14 June 98

Last updated May 31, 2001