03/26/00 - 04/02/00 Elaine Green, for singing, acting, and cleaning.
03/19/00 - 03/26/00 Tracy Brown, because, well, ya' know.
03/12/00 - 03/19/00 Aleah Curtis, because, Pink Ribbon!
03/05/00 - 03/12/00 Amberlyn Hutchings, because she makes people giggly.
02/27/00 - 03/05/00 That Girl, because she's out there somewhere.
02/20/00 - 02/27/00 Michelle Johnson, because, that laugh!
02/13/00 - 02/20/00 Emily Johnson, because Trains.
02/06/00 - 02/13/00 Minerva Herrera, because she enjoys her freedom - except when she's jogging.
01/30/00 - 02/06/00 Elissa and Cortney Call, because this place needs more kids.
01/23/00 - 01/30/00 Seven - of -Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero - One, because, where did the other eight go?
01/16/00 - 01/23/00 Nicole Wei, because she sure tore up the slopes.
01/09/00 - 01/16/00 Jamie McOmber, because she taught Kyle how to turn around on skates.
01/02/00 - 01/09/00 Maureen Murdock, for her many talents. (Hidden, but still beautiful)
12/19/99 - 12/26/99 and 12/26/99 - 01/02/00 Mary
12/12/99 - 12/19/99 Lindsay Seil, because "I love Lindsay" (and cleaning inspections), etc.
12/05/99 - 12/12/99 Melissa Witmer, because she hasn't killed Doug (yet), etc.
11/28/99 - 12/05/99 #7788, because even if she is a cow, at least she's nice.
11/21/99 - 11/28/99 Megan Grasteit, for being such a good sport.
11/14/99 - 11/21/99 Shaggy, because she still runs.
11/07/99 - 11/14/99 Elizabeth Burton, for being such a good cook.
10/31/99 - 11/07/99 Leilani Bronson, Because she's the best dogone mother Kyle's ever had!